Top Five New Features in Movable Type 3.3: Tags: Describe your entries with tags so readers can easily find any content and subscribe to custom feeds. Widgets: Arrange and manage your page just by dragging and dropping. Widgets can include your own content or content from other web services and feeds. Activity Feeds: Reduce the burden of managing your blog by getting all the updates on comments and feedback on your blog, along with your blog's activity, delivered via a secure custom feed. New Blog Styles: Customize the look of your site with just a few clicks, without editing any HTML. Choose from dozens of unique designs and layouts. Powerful Templating Language: Movable Type's industry-leading template language is more powerful than ever, letting you choose exactly which content you want to display on your pages, as well as how it's presented. Customize your entire site without having to do any programming. Features Overview: Support for unlimited blogs: Create a blog for each project, client, or workgroup, or for every person in your organization. Administer centrally. Flexible static and dynamic PHP publishing: Choose between static or dynamic pages to optimize your blog for fast content creation and high traffic. Easy-to-use, extensible interface: Point-and-click controls make content creation and author administration a breeze, and can be extended through custom links and additional options. Customizable templates: Movable Type's unique and numerous template tags, combined with standard HTML or another markup language, allow unparalleled customization of your site. You can use standard tools like Adobe GoLive CS2. Community management: Movable Type makes it easy for readers to comment on or link to your site while offering powerful spam protection and community feedback controls (such as the option to disallow or moderate comments). Flexible archiving: Archive content by individual post, post category, or by date. Monthly and weekly archives are standard, and you can choose any number of additional archive types as well. Simple installation: Six Apart provides expert installation service for a small additional fee as well as a range of hosting options through our partners. Content syndication: Movable Type supports all common data syndication formats, from XML and RSS to Atom to any other custom formats created through Movable Type's template tags. Programming interfaces: Movable Type supports the Atom API (application programming interface) and Metaweblog API, allowing dozens of third-party clients and devices to post data to the system. Internationalization: Movable Type ships with full support for Unicode and international character sets. Fully-supported versions of the software are available in Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Dutch. Pluggable architecture: Even non-technical users can extend Movable Type's through the its large collection of plugins. Programmable extension through other technologies is also enabled. Plugins directory: The Movable Type plugins directory offers hundreds of free or low-cost plugins from developers around the world. ProNet Community: The Six Apart Professional Network is a community of thousands of developers, designers, consultants and experts around the world who back up the Movable Type platform with years of experience.
MT是blog的鼻祖,也是blog的代表,blog中很多概念是从MT上来的,比如TrackBacks ,PingBacks 没有比MT更经典的程序了,虽然是perl写的,但到现在还占领着全球30%的市场(Wordpress现在已经超过了MT,大约有35%) MT是两夫妇写的,2002年就因为这个优秀的程序拿到了风险投资,后来收购了全球第二大blog托管商LiveJournal,现在公司有四大产品:TypePad, Movable Type,LiveJournal ,Vox,因为TypePad是用MT搭建的,所以你不用担心MT会停止开发,虽然perl已经有点过时,但MT会一直开发下去 MT一开始的架构就非常完美,技术支持也非常持久,出来7年多了,7年前你装的系统还可以升级到现在的最新版3.3,7年前你的模板几乎不用修改就可以用在现在的3.3版本上,很多非常老的插件也可以继续用在新版本上,现在MT越来越完美和实用了,没有华而不实的功能,每个功能都是非常人性化,所以到现在那些MT爱好者也舍不得丢弃这个程序,尽管WordPress现在如日中天。 我用MT三年多了,研究过那么多blog程序了,但还是舍不得抛弃MT,不得不在服务器上架设个perl环境。
安装模版遇到问题了。就是用它的那个自动安装模版的插件安装的,装完以后就没有样式了。 老大知道是什么问题吗? 装模版的文件夹已经修改为可写了,但里面还是没有任何文件