vBulletin 3.6.2 Released ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vBulletin 3.6.2 The vbulletin team is always keen to stay on top of newly discovered problems in the software and when a potential data-loss flaw was discovered in vbulletin 3.6.1 a patch was released within hours. This release includes that patch, along with fixes for a number of other problems and glitches that have been found along the way. Although this is not a security-driven release, it does nonetheless contain resolutions for several important bugs and we would recommend that all customers upgrade to 3.6.2 at their earliest convenience. PHP and MySQL Requirements Please note that vbulletin 3.6.x requires at least PHP 4.3.3 and MySQL 4.0.16 or later. Installing or Upgrading vbulletin Please see the appropriate manual sections: Installing vbulletin and Upgrading vbulletin. Template Changes Some templates have changed since previous versions of vbulletin (3.5.x and 3.6.x) in order to accommodate new features. As a result, you will need to revert several templates or some areas of your board will not function. If you are currently running 3.6.1, you may see below for a list of template changes between 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. Bug Reports You may report bugs by clicking here. Before reporting a bug, please attempt to recreate the bug on a default, uncustomized style (especially if your errors are JavaScript related). Additionally, if you have used the plugins/products system at all, please attempt to recreate the issue with the plugins system disabled!
Files Changed Since 3.6.1 / editpost.php forumdisplay.php infraction.php inlinemod.php memberlist.php newattachment.php newreply.php newthread.php payment_gateway.php postings.php private.php profile.php subscription.php admincp/ admininfraction.php diagnostic.php index.php misc.php newsproxy.php options.php subscriptions.php clientscript/ vbulletin_ajax_reputation.js vbulletin_cphome_scripts.js vbulletin_cpoptions_scripts.js vbulletin_settings_validate.js vbulletin_textedit.js images/buttons/refresh.gif - removed includes/ includes/adminfunctions.php adminfunctions_options.php adminfunctions_user.php class_bbcode.php class_core.php class_dm_threadpost.php class_dm_user.php class_image.php class_rss_poster.php class_upload.php functions.php functions_bigthree.php functions_editor.php functions_forumdisplay.php functions_newpost.php functions_online.php cron/ ccbill.php install/ - assume all files changed
These are the template changes since 3.6.1 ONLY If you are not running 3.6.1 yet, there are significantly more changed templates than are listed here. Use "Find Updated Templates" to find the templates that have changed and incorporate those changes. You may even wish to start with a default style! Note: You need to only look through this post for templates you have customized. You do not need to take any action to ensure that your uncustomized templates are the latest versions. If you find a template you have customized in this list, you will likely want to include the changes made here. However, this is not always required. Under each change listed here, you will see "requires revert?" This refers to whether the changes are mandatory (yes). If the changes are mandatory, things will break if you do not incorporate the changes made. It is strongly recommended that you revert and recustomize any templates that say they require a revert. Additionally, you may wish to use the "Find Updated Template" feature in the control panel to find templates that have been changed since your last edit to them. -------------------------------------- imagereg Remove extra HTML Code: <input id="imagehash" type="hidden" name="imagehash" value="$imagehash" /> Change refresh button back to text. Requires Revert? Yes newreply Added id to multiquoteempty input. Requires revert? Yes, if you use multiquote userinfraction The userinfraction template has an extra closing </if>, which makes the input field for custom infractions show when it isn't supposed to... Code: <td colspan="<if condition="$show['count']">5<else />4</if>"><strong>$vbphrase[custom_infraction]</strong></if> Should be: Code: <td colspan="<if condition="$show['count']">5<else />4</if>"><strong>$vbphrase[custom_infraction]</strong> Requires Revert? Yes -------------------------------------- editpoll editpost newpoll newreply newthread threadadmin_copyposts threadadmin_editthread threadadmin_mergeposts threadadmin_mergethread threadadmin_moveposts threadadmin_movethread Replace "85" with "$vboptions[titlemaxchars]". This is a new option to set how long thread and posts titles may be. Requires Revert? Only if you want to change it from the default of 85 MEMBERINFO Fixed invalid XHTML in the infractions section. See this bug for specifics. Requires revert? No modifyavatar modifyprofilepic modifysignature Added conditional to hide the custom URL upload option when php is lacking support for it. Requires Revert? No but if you don't, the altered phrases will look odd. SHOWTHREAD Added class to "already rated this thread" cell. See this bug for specifics. Requires revert? No threadbit_announcement Added a tooltip for lastpost.gif that says "View Announcement" Requires Revert? No