bitbob vbzh的让vb3.5支持WAP的插件 WAP Plugin BETA By 007pig at vBulletin Chinese What is the product for? WAP is a highly demanded feature of the Chinese customers so I write the plugin. The plugin is for any vB forums which would like their members browsing them with mobile device. It is able to detect mobile device correctly and provide narrow page output for mobile. Currently there's only a style for WAP 2.0 devices, that means the plugin doesn't support WAP 1.x/WML device now. History Nov 14, 2005 Beta -- Initial release Installation 1. Unzip. 2. Upload and import the product "product-wap-en.xml". 3. Upload and import the style "vbulletin-style-wap.xml". Remember to select NO for "Allow User Selection". 4. Go to "vBulletin Settings" -> "WAP settings" and change "Default WAP 2.0 Style" to "WAP 2.0". 5. Browse your vB forum with your mobile. TODO Create a new style for WML 1.x device