我还以为一直没出新版呢 Version 1.5.2 Build Info This file contains information regarding each build that is released. A "build" is a small update that fixes bugs found within a particular version. For a full list of features in Version 1.5.2 please visit the main change log at: http://eedocs.pmachine.com/changelog.html Build: 20070302 * Added ability to manage Save Template as File setting from the 'Template Preferences Manager' and 'Preferences' for each template group * Added human readable email encoding as an option in the Typography class for cases where Javascript encoding is inappropriate * Added new tag, {wiki:categories_list}, to Wiki Module for displaying a list of all categories without being affected by being put on an Article page * Increased filename security for uploaded files. * Fixed the Search Module so it can parse Related Entries and legacy search variables without problems. * Fixed a bug where member statistics were not being recounted upon activating pending members. * Fixed a bug with URL Title creation with certain servers. [Developer note: iconv() was not accepting empty str for in_charset] * Fixed a bug where Gallery Comment Expiration was not properly applying '0' (no limit) to existing entries. * Fixed a problem displaying private message attachments if the attachment has a file extension in uppercase. * Fixed a bug in the Advanced Search Form with the display of categories * Fixed a bug where the URL Auto Linker was breaking the URL pMCode when the URL was also the title of the link. * Fixed a bug with the URL Auto Linker involving a comma separated series of URLs * Fixed a bug where redirects were not happening correctly for URLs with query strings when rank denial was enabled * Fixed a bug where the Notify Author of Comment/Trackback preference was ignored by the Trackback module * Fixed a bug where MySQL errors would be shown to non-Super Admins when it was enabled only for Super Admins. * Fixed a bug where an empty category group could not have categories added via the Publish page Category tab * Fixed a bug where HTML Buttons were not editable by non-SuperAdmins when they did not have Weblog Administration capabilities * Fixed a problem with Advanced Conditionals checking segments when additional conditionals were nested inside * Fixed a bug with Heading HTML tags in XHTML Typography where the same content was enclosed in the tags multiple times * Fixed a little caching issue with categories and related entries when category data was changed * Modified screen name validation routine to remove the possiblity of making one or more "space" entities (ex:   a screen name * Modified wiki module to allow more than one {wiki:custom_namespaces_list} list on a page Build: 20070126 * Added the ability to have multiple SAEF in the same template * Fixed a bug where Trackbacks in the Comment Entries tag was showing the Entry Title for {title}, instead of the trackback's title (Bug #1690) * Fixed a bug introduced by a bugfix in Build 20070122 with 'index' in path variables. * Fixed a bug in $FNS->remove_double_slashes() that broke URLs hard coded into category tag pairs * Fixed a bug added in the last build with javascript 'Back' links in error messages Build: 20070122 * Fixed a spelling mistake in the install file (Bug #1680) * Fixed a bug with the database table prefix replacement code * Fixed a bug with file attachments when permissions on the server were not set properly. * Fixed a bug where the lack of HTML Formatting Buttons caused Smileys and Glossary inserts to cease working * Fixed a bug that occurred with Reverse Related Entries when the orderby field value was exactly the same for two reverse related entries * Fixed a bug that could occur in multi-segmented path variable parsing where 'index' was one of the segments * Fixed a bug with the Assign Variable tag when an empty string was given as a value. * Fixed a bug where deleting a Related Entry could create errors after Relationship caches were cleared. * Fixed a bug with Sticky, Allow Comments, and Allow Trackbacks when an entry is edited with the Multi-entry edit form and the Options buttons are hidden. * Fixed a bug with {category_id} in the Image Gallery Categories tag. * Fixed a bug where hidden member groups were still appearing in the Member List area pulldowns. * Fixed a bug where it was technically possible to ban all IP Addresses * Fixed a bug where the sorting for the Reverse Related Entry tag was reversed. * Fixed a bug in the Wiki module with category article revision pages. * Modified Search Term logging to always encode HTML and EE tag brackets to fully protect users who output data via non-protected methods * Modified password reset emails to be sent from the site's Webmaster Email address instead of the address of the user whose password is being reset. * Modified XSS Cleaning routine to replace disallowed phrases with "[removed]" text instead of removing completely. * Modified the HTML Buttons javascript to work around a Firefox bug dealing with scrolled text (added prior fix to the Publish section of the Control Panel). * Removed UTF-7 from the list of available character encodings Build: 20070102 *Added Search term logging to the Wiki module *Added sanitization to logged search terms to assist developers directly accessing this data *Added new Extension Hooks: member_register_validate_members and cp_members_validate_members *Modified caches to be cleared (including Relationship caches) when editing or deleting custom fields. *Modified Relationship caches to be cleared when editing multiple entries that would be impacted by the edit. *Improved handling of HTML emails, increasing compatibility with a variety of email clients *Fixed a bug when reinstalling the Search module from the Modules tab in the Control Panel *Fixed a bug where old entries using a different URL Title separator than the current one were modified when edited to use the new separator *Fixed a bug in conditionals when the variable was contained in a quoted string in the template. *Fixed a bug where SuperAdmins could not edit guest-submitted Gallery comments. *Fixed a bug preventing the Stand Alone Entry Form from being able to disable comments and trackbacks for an entry. *Fixed a bug in the Member Import utility that was encoding password fields already specified as md5 or sha1 *Fixed a bug in the Member Import utility causing unique_id's to be repeated *Fixed a bug in Private Messages system where SuperAdmins were not shown to have unlimited storage capacity. *Fixed a bug in the installer that would initially encrypt the primary SuperAdmin's account with the wrong hash type. *Fixed a bug where the Template Debugging log would have negative times in PHP 4 *Fixed a bug in the Blogger API where the title was not parsed correctly when editing an entry *Fixed a bug (#1675) in the Comment module causing an error to be displayed with Trackbacks *Fixed a Javascript bug in the Admin area of the Control Panel that was causing navigation problems in Opera *Fixed a bug in the File Upload Utility where Drop-down List, Relationship, and Date custom fields appeared in the list of fields to place the markup for an uploaded file. *Fixed a bug involving the Resend Activation Email option for Pending members when pagination is used in the View Members area of the control panel. *Forced the setting of an array variable type in the form_open() method in the Display class