A very serious bug has been found in _all_ versions of Pligg. We have a patch available here. We advise you to apply this immediately. For 9.0, 9.1, 9.5 versions 1) upload the upgrade_login.php into your root Pligg folder. Not the install folder. Then open the file in your browser. If you have *any* errors, let us know as many details as you can so we can help you fix it. 2) upload the appropriate login.php file. Rename your existing /login.php file to /login.php.bak, rename the new one you just uploaded to /login.php. Please note, this is NOT the /libs/login.php file. 3) If you can login / logout without any problems, then delete the .bak file. We expect to release a beta 9.5.1 (security update) before the end of the month to fix this and a few other bugs we found. Thanks. ps: if you want to manually edit your login file, look here. 升级补丁文件 upgrade_login.php (352 Bytes, 320 views)9.1_login.php (5.3 KB, 104 views)9.5_login.php (5.6 KB, 232 views)9.0_login.php (5.3 KB, 43 views)