Gábor Hojtsy - July 26, 2007 - 10:08 Our last status update noted that July 1st was the code freeze deadline for new features to get into Drupal 6. While some of the strategic improvements that were close to being ready at that time got committed, we are now focusing on bug fixes, performance improvements, documentation updates and usability improvements. We would like to encourage all users and developers to download a development tarball and test the old and the new functionality. There are certainly bugs in the code still, and we would like to squash them. Existing bug reports in the issue queue need some review. The patch spotlight page helps you understand how patch reviews work, and how can you help, if you are new to this kind of involvement. On the other hand, if you found a new bug, don't hesitate to open an issue and submit a fix. We are working towards releasing the first beta of Drupal 6.0 in a few weeks, which depends on how well the bug fixes go, so get involved if you'd like to see Drupal 6 released sooner. http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-6.x-dev.tar.gz