如下是linux最常用的命令及用途,当全部掌握以后,就没人敢说你不会linux。 版权所有其实指的是版板归大家所有,你可以用自己的名字发表,也可以借我的大名宣传一下,as you like. 大家共享资源,共同进步,中国的软件事业才能有希望! 如果这篇文章加快了你成为linux高手的脚步,促使你创建一间linux公司,奋斗后战胜了redhat, 最终击败了微软,那时你再... basic command ls: ls ls –a “显示隐藏文件” ls –l “显示文件属性,包括大小,日期,符号连接,是否可读写及是否可执行” ls --color=never *.so > obj “不显示文字颜色,将所有so文件记录到obj文件中” cd: cd cd / cd ../ “到上一级目录” cd ../.. “到上二级目录” cd ~ “goto user directory” rm: rm rm -fr directory “delete the directory without ask” cp: cp source target cp –av soure_dir target_dir “将整个目录复制,两目录完全一样” cp –fr source_dir target_dir “将整个目录复制,并且是以非链接方式复制,当source目录带有符号链接时,两个目录不相同” mv: mv source target diff: diff dir1 dir2 “compare dir1 and dir2, if files in dir1 but not in dir2, it will be list” diff file1 file2 “compare file1 and file2,if any difference, he will tell you” comm: comm file1 file2 “compare file and file2, if any difference, the difference will be list” echo: echo message “display some characters in the console” cat: cat file “display the file’s content in the console” export: export LC_ALL= “define variable LC_ALL is NULL” export DISPLAY=0:0 “define variable DISPLAY is 0:0” date: date “list the time” find: find -name path file “find file in the path” grep: grep -ir “chars” path “find chars in the path” vi: vi file “file edit tools “ lynx: lynx "text base browser" man: man command "help command" startx: startx “run GUI system” reboot: reboot “reboot computer” halt: halt “shutdown computer” init: init 0 "shut down all service" init 1 "restart all service" init 6 "reboot script" advance command tar: tar xfzv file.tgz “uncompress file.tgz in the current directory” tar xfzv file.tgz -C target_path “uncompress file.tgz in the appoint directory” tar cfzv file.tgz source_path “compress appoint file to appoint tar ball” gzip: gzip -d source target " compress file" unzip: unzip source "un compress file" dmesg: dmesg "show kernel booting information" uname: uname -R " show kernel version" more: ls | more " 分页显示 information" strings: strings file "list file chars" less: less “list file chars,分页显示” rpm: rpm -i program.rpm "install program" rpm2targz: rpm2targz program.rpm program.tgz " reforamt rmp to tar ball" su: su root " su user to root" suloin: sulogin /dev/tty4 "waiting login in tty4" chmod: chmod a+x file " let file can be excute" chmod 666 file " let file can be write " mknod: mknod /dev/hda1 b 3 1 " make a block device " mknod /dev/tty1 c 4 1 " make a chare device " touch: touch /tmp/running " touch a file " sleep: sleep 9 " console sleep 9 seconds" lpd: lpd stop lpd start lpd restart "restart printer service" lpr: lpr file.txt "print a file ot printer" zhprint: zhpinrt -gb file.txt "print a chinese file to printer" disk command fdisk fdisk /dev/hda "creat or delete disk partition" cfdisk cfdisk /dev/hda "creat or delete disk partition" mount: mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt “把/dev/hda1装载到 /mnt目录” mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt mount-t smb // /mnt -o username=id,password=id mount -t nfs /mnt umount: umount /mnt “umount /mnt directory” umount /dev/hda1 “umount device /dev/hda1” sync: sync "write all cache into disk" e2fsck: e2fsck /dev/hda1 "check disk" e2fsck -p "check and automatic repair disk" e2fsck -y "check and Assume "yes" to all questions" e2fsck -c "Check disk bad blocks" mkfs: mkfs /dev/hda1 "format pratitionk" mkswap: mfks /dev/hda9 "format a swap partition" swapon: swapon /dev/hda9 "use a swap partition" swapoff: swapoff /dev/hda9 " close a swap partion" lilo: lilo "/etc/lilo.config is needed" lilo -C lilo.conf "configure disk boot loader" rdev: rdev bzImage "show root file system" rdev bzImage /dev/hda1 "define /dev/hda1 as root file system" df: df "show mounted partition use information" dd: dd if=root.ram of=/dev/ram0 dd if=/dev/fd0 of=root.ram dd if=/dev/zero of=root.ram bs=1024,count=1024 who: who "show logined user" whoami: whoami "show who am I" whereis: whereis command "show where is the command" programer command gcc: gcc hello.c “compile hello.c,default is a dynamic program” gcc hello.c -o hello “compile hello.c and out put file as hello” gcc -static -o hello hello.c “compile a static program” strace: strace netscape "trace and list all open/write file by netscape program" ps: ps ps –ef "show running program pid" kill: kill -9 500 "kill PID 500" killall: killall -9 netscape "kill program netscape" top: top "show system cpu and memory use information" free: free "show free memory" time: time program "calculate program run time" configure command ifconfig: ifconfig eth0 “define first Ethernet’s IP is” ifconfig down eth1 “disable seconde Ethernet” hostname: hostname -F id.com “define hostname is id.com” route: route del default “delete default router” route add default gw metric 1 “add as a default route” adduser: adduser id "add a new user" userdel: userdel id "delete user id" userlist: userlist "list logined user" passwd: passwd id "change id's login password" passwd -d id "delete id's login password" chown: chown id /work "let the /work to be id's directory" probe: probe rtl8139 "veriry driver" lsmod: lsmod "list already install driver" insmod: insmod rtl8139.o "install a driver" insmod sb.o io=0x280 irq=7 dma=3 dma16=7 mpu_io=330 rmmod: rmmod rtl8139 "delete a driver from system" gpm: gpm -k "kill mouse" gpm -t ps2 "run ps2 mouse" Xconfigure: Xconfigure "configure X-windows option" turboservice: turboservier "configure turbo linux servier" turboftp: turboftp "configure turbo linux ftp server" turbotelnet: turbotelnet "configure turbo linux telnet server" turbonetcfg: turbonetcfg "configure network options" turboppp: turboppp "configure ppp dialog options" turboappchecfg: turboappchecfg "configure turbo linux appche server" network command telnet: telnet telnet iserver.com ftp: ftp ftp iserver.com dhcp: dhcp "run dhcp server" ping: ping 163.com ping "check network"